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Related article: them ; hounds of the highest ex- cellence — Mr. Austin Mackenzie's bitch pack will be taken over by Mr. Wroughton at the princely of three thousand guineas — and an extensive wardrobe for the men, are luxuries for which, if demanded, some one must pay, and that some one need not be, in fact, should not be, the master of a subscription Buy Benadryl Online pack. Meantime, expenses are grow- ing in other directions. The increase of shooting tenants render it more than ever necessary for hunts to rent coverts in order to ensure the due preservation of foxes ; the subdivision of countries and the consequent increase in the number of foxes within a given area means an increase in poultry- claims, while huge fields inevit- ably lead to more frequent de- mands for repairs of damage ; yet, so far as one can see, claims in these directions cannot always be met, nor are these items suffi- ciently taken into account. The question of damage, per- haps, is hardly quite considered as it should be by subscribers to hounds. In olden times, when packs hunted over a wide area, as did the Berkeley, Badminton, Lord Yarborough's, Lord Dar- lington's, the Badsworth and others, farmers' holdings were necessarily visited at longer inter- vals than at present ; but now, with the old countries cut up, not only do hounds scour their own country very frequently, but farmers holding land at the junc- tion of two Order Benadryl Online or more hunts come in for a double visitation, and we have already seen it stated in print this season that many coun- tries are so gapped that it is possible to ride in a good run with the country greatly simplified. Although gaps are made, fences are not jumped any the more cleanly for all that, and when Purchase Benadryl Online hedges become thoroughly broken down they take years to grow Where Can I Buy Benadryl again, and pending their recupera- tion the farmer either mends them up with wire or unjumpable timber. Now the moral, as it appears to me, will be that while hunts 1899] LUXURIES AND NECESSARIES IN HUNTING ESTABLISHMENTS. 200, will in the future require all the money they can get, they will find the outside expenses, so to speak, grow very largely. The cry about the old days when hunting fields were made up ex- clusively of landowners, farmers and their friends, is all nonsense. From the earliest times strangers flocked into eligible countries in great numbers ; not, of course, by train as they do now, but on short visits, and by long hacking jour- neys. And how did hunting men of the old school treat the farmers Where To Buy Benadryl ? Why, by larking over their fences when going to covert, and by having a sort of steeple- chase home after hunting, things which would not be tolerated to- day for an instant. Unless I am very much mistaken, the time will come when not only masters, but members of the several hunts will have to do Purchase Benadryl with fewer horses. At no very distant date one will have to serve for a day's hunting. I know a hunt in an unfashionable country which took the field on four days a week with a stud of seven horses, excluding the master's, and he did not himself hunt the hounds. The use of one horse instead of two will mean that days will be Buy Benadryl shorter, and that consequently a smaller tract of land will be hunted over, while the money thus saved will have to go to the farmer. There are already plenty of signs of at least a desire for a move in this direc- tion, and Major de Freville did well in emphasising the fact that sport was none the better because an establishment is Generic Benadryl over -horsed and the hunt staff wear leathers. Between four and five years ago the financial status of the Carbery Hounds in Ireland at- tracted a cettain amount of attention. The Carbery Hunt Club held a meeting which was anything but unanimous on most points ; but on one matter they did agree — they thought that a hundred a year was too much to pay Mr. Beamish, their master, for the maintenance of the hounds for a season. The master, how- ever, stood out for his hundred, and reminded his somewhat par- simonious subscribers that during the season 1892-3 the subscrip- tions amounted to ^"47 10s. only. It is a fact, however, that very few hunts are doing Cheap Benadryl anything more than living from hand to mouth, and I have before me as I write a pile of reports of hunt meetings the majority of which state that there was a deficit of a greater or less sum, for the wiping out of which a special appeal was made. On the other hand, it would never do for a hunt to be too rich, as nothing would be better calculated to check the flow of subscriptions than the general knowledge that there was a big balance at the bank, and Buy Cheap Benadryl some funded property. It is only a couple of seasons ago that Mr. Arthur Wilson, master of the Holderness Hounds, had to complain of the falling off of supplies. He had previously threatened to resign, but con- sented to continue in office on ^"2,000 being guaranteed, and as that sum was promptly paid matters looked well ; but after that season arrears again began to accumulate, and the master complained once more. It was stated that the total cost of main* taining the hunt was ^4,000 per annum, but that the master was satisfied if one half of that sum were paid to him. Of course, when such a sum as the above can l>e expended upon a hunt a good deal of the amount can go in matters unconnected with kennel and stable ; but tb" question of recompense for dam- age is a growing one. and will 2IO BAILY S MAGAZINE. [Ma&cu sooner or later have to be faced in a manner more Order Benadryl business-like than has yet been the case, and for this hunting men will, in a great measure, have to thank many of Benadryl Online their own body, many hunting being the very worst friends the sport could have. The old-fashioned farmers are disap- pearing like the old class of country squires, and as many of them cannot, or at least do Benadryl Buy not, hunt, they do not regard the sport in the same light as did their predecessors on the land. It is only the other day that at the meeting of some Council or other some one gave notice of a motion that the Crown's privilege of free chase should be revived in the form of licences to ride over enclosed land, and that the money